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32 gauge / 3x3x0 barbs / 3 inch

Use Pink for cross-bred and other coarse wools, such as Romney, Leicester or Lincoln, and early stages of medium wools such as Corriedale and Halfbred. Pink is strong, penetrates easily, works over a wide depth range, and rarely breaks.

Pick Pink


36 gauge / 2x2x2x2 barbs / 3 inch / star

Use Red for both medium and coarse wool. Star needles with four sides have high barb density, but still penetrate firm felt easily.

Pick Red


36 gauge / 2x2x2 barbs / 3.5 inch / sturdy

Use Mauve for medium wools such as Corriedale, and firming stages for coarser fibres, such as Romney, Leicester, Lincoln and Mohair.

Pick Mauve


38 gauge / 2x2x2 barbs / 3.5 inch / all-purpose

Use Burgundy for medium wools, such as Corriedale and Halfbred, and initial felting of fine wools and similar fibres, such as Merino, Angora, Alpaca, Silk and fine manmade fibres such as Rayon, Soy silk, Ingeo, if they are being used for the bulk of the project. This needle is not recommended for attaching fine fibres as an embellishment.

Pick Burgundy


38 gauge / 2x2x2x2 barbs / 3 inch / star

Use Peach for medium and fine wools. This needle is a finer version of Red.

Pick Peach